Copyright © 2020 - 2024 Street Fruit Juice Ltd - All Rights Reserved. Web by: Supero Malta
Healthy and fresh fruit for your healthy tasty juice!
The new season starts again with Street Fruit Juice smoothies and centrifuges, from March 2021 you can find us in Sliema!
The First AperiJuice Arrived in Malta
The First StreetFoody Arrived in Malta, next step will be the plates
AperiJuice is on the way!
The first StreetFoody is on its way, it will arrive in Malta in a few days, stay tuned for news!
The first AperiJuice is ready!
After a long work on the drawing table and even more work in the factory, the first StreetFoody is ready to go!
A vegetable is a product coming from the garden which, used in the nutrition, it can make a good amount of vitamins, minerals, essential oils and enzymes which are important for the health.
The word fruit comprehend commonly various types of edible fruit including some of them that are not properly fruits such as tomatoes, depending on their alimentary use.
The tomato is a vegetable of the Solinacee family, from which are consumed the green or red berries. Native of Latin America, initially spread to Europe as an ornamental plant, to become, to this day, the most typical vegetable of Mediterranean cuisine.